Electrical Contractors
"Your Trusted Trade Partner"

Professional & Reliable
KB-Mac Inc. Electrical Contractor. Local 103
Since breaking into the industry in 2021, KB-Mac has been recognized as a dependable Electrical Contractor in the Greater Boston area. We’ve provided clients with a wide range of services for all their needs.
Our mission is to establish a strong and viable M/WBE company that can overcome the myriad of barriers that currently exist today for smaller businesses. KB-Mac is committed to providing value and to building long-lasting successful relationships with like-minded industry partners and clients.

Mailing Address: PO Box 220394 218 Adams St. Boston, MA 02122
Location: 1452 #4th Floor Dorchester Ave. Boston, MA 02122
Owner: Kenell Broomstein
kbroomstein@kb-mac.com 857-263-0123
General Manager: Andrew Stearns
astearns@kb-mac.com 781-588-4063